Mint on Zora

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DAO Triptychs
Artist: Zemm
150 NFTs on Optimism

Mint on Zora Here.

1. trialogue

using a python script to randomly select one of the 21 DAO themes for each of a central, right and left area on the canvas, the Triptychs experiment with combinations of themes in the classic format of a three part painting.

2. banner

The Triptychs are 3000 x 1000 pixel jpegs, well suited to a social media banner. They may be the first purely DAO themed banners made as NFTs.

3. interference

While elements of the DAO Triptychs are inhereted from the script used in 21 DAO Themes, this series employs more radical uses of interference patterns, drawn with python on the canvas to create moire patterns and strange artefacts.

Zemm * Naph
