Mint on Zora

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Artists: Group Exhibition
A Selection of 1/1 NFTs on Optimism

Mint on Zora Here.

BIG NFTs are the biggest NFTs.

These are digital works that their creators imagine as mural scale images or objects: IRL, conceptually or in the metaverse. Digital infinity poetics allow experiments in the formation of digital objects that might take advantage of scale, as a concept, initiating urge, or condition of display.

The history of scale in artwork has shown us a consistent interest for artists, who have engaged with heroic works as authentic interactions. We see works in the western canon that interact with majesty (Michelangelo), re-location of majesty (Walker) humor (Koons), beatific rupture (Pollack), overwhelming emotion (Rothko), celestial power (Munch), geological awe (Smithson), industrial sublime (Serra), repetitions of ecstasy (Gonzolez-Torres), distended epic (Marclay) and temporal counter-locution (Neumann).

NFTs, it could be said, are often the opposite, they inhabit the apparatus of a 3.5 inch iPhone screen, a single block cycle of market distribution, or the laconic time-space of a file optimized for quick viewing and minimal pixels. Tropes and styles in NFTs carry this protocol and desire with them. In Big NFTs, we will experiment with an opposing possibility - can the digital file, and the NFT mode of engaged distribution, intend to be found, observed and displayed in scales beyond the human? What sorts of images are made, ideas engaged with, and digital imaging technologies employed? Cave Wall seeks to find this out.

If you are interested in participating in Big NFTs, please contact Zemm or visit Zemm's Cave to discuss with Amulet Holders.


Giga Now,
16,000 pixel width digital collage jpg
with text and associated AI shaman.
Zemm 2024